
113 New Road, London E1 1HJ

020 7539 3401,

We have a management committee which deals with the day to day management of the Chambers and complaints. You can search the Barristers Register on the Bar Standards Board’s website.
This shows (1) whether a barrister has a current practicing certificate, and (2) whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Bar Standards Board’s website in accordance with their policy. Alternatively, you can contact the Bar Standards Board on 020 7611 1444 to ask about this (or email
Should you have a complaint or concern you are invited to let us know as soon as possible. A copy of our full complains procedure and timescales involved can be downloaded Click To Download
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the investigation you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman, the independent complaints body for lawyers.
Please note that we are not obliged to deal with complaints that fall outside the time limits that apply to complaints to the Legal Ombudsman.
You can also search the decision data on LeO’s website: This shows providers which received an ombudsman’s decision in the previous 12 months, and whether LeO required the provider to give the consumer a remedy. Alternatively, you can contact LeO on 0300 555 0333 to ask about this (or e-mail
There are limits on when you can complain to the Legal Ombudsman. Ordinarily, you can ask them to look at your complaint if it meets ALL three of the steps below:
1. The problem or when you found out about it, happened after 5 October 2010; and
2. You are referring your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within either of the following
a. Six years of the problem happening or
b. three years from when you found out about it; and
3. You are referring your complaint to them within six months of our final response.
You can write to them at:
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6806
WV1 9WJ.
T: 0300 555 0333
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