Direct Access


113 New Road, London E1 1HJ

020 7539 3401,


What is Direct Access?

Direct Access means that members of the public or professional organisations may instruct a barrister directly, without first engaging a solicitor. In order to represent members of the public directly, i.e. on a Direct Access basis practicing barristers must have undertaken training as prescribed by the Bar Standards Board. Mr Mohammed Monwar Hossain is trained and qualified to undertake Direct Access work.

Mr. Hossain is an experienced barrister (with over 20 years of experience) in representing members of the public in the full range of disputes, whether it be a discreet issue such as drafting a specific legal document, expert legal advice because you are contemplating litigation or representing you right through to a trial.

How does it work?

Step 1: The first course of action is to book an appointment with Mr Hossain (subject to his availability) where he will advise according to the circumstances of the case. You can contact our office and tell us what type of help you need. Our Management committee and caseworkers can be contacted on 02075393401 or at or They will arrange for a consultation with Mr Hossain at a time and date suitable to the individual and Mr. Hossain.

Step 2: Mr Hossain will review the circumstances of your case and suggest a plan of action.

Step 3: A clear schedule of the work required and the costs involved will be agreed between the client and Mr Hossain. Timescales for the client’s case may vary depending on factors such as Mr Hossain’s availability, complexity of your case, the need for additional documents and the other side’s approach.

Step 4: The potential client and Mr Hossain will work together on the case in order to achieve the best result possible. Mr Hossain can represent you from the beginning to end of your dispute and can represent and advise members of the public in the areas of our practice, e.g. immigration applications/appeals/Judicial review, family and civil law matter.

How we can help

Representing people in court is our speciality. MH Barristers can help you with preparation for hearings, drafting documents and advocacy at court in relation to all of the practice areas that Chambers works in, if your case is suitable.

The Direct Access rules do not allow barristers to “litigate.” This means that in certain activities for example, in practice for certain documents we are not allowed to send or “file” for you, but there is no problem with us drafting those documents for you to simply send on or file. The full details of how the scheme works can be found in the Bar Standards Board Guide: click here to download.

However, MH Barristers has permission to conduct litigation. Therefore, service of documents to court can be made from the Chambers.

Client Testimonials


“I went to see Barrister Mohammed Monwar Hossain in relation to my immigration appeal matter. His services, attitude, honesty, behaviours and representation were excellent. I am grateful for his help. My problems have been sorted out by him. Many thanks to him.”

S Gussi



“Mr Hossain is such a barrister who does not care about big fees but desperately helps people who faces immigration problems. I am an engineer and work as environmental officer in UK. I have no hesitation to say that if anybody has been failed and no where else to go, Mr Hossain will be able to do something”

Nasir Khan



“My immigration matter was about Right of Abode. It was very complicated and went up to the Upper Tribunal. Finally, I won the appeal and live in the UK. My case had long history but I highly appreciate for Barrister Mohammed Monwar Hossain’s hard work for my case. He has built good reputation for his work “

M Uddin

Do you need help with your case?

Contact us today for a free cost estimate!